How to Enroll Employees in Digital Health Offerings

Employers who offer digital health products have a unique opportunity to improve employees’ health and wellness. Employees can enroll in these offerings with a few clicks on their smartphones or laptops, but it’s up to employers to make sure that enrollment is easy and accessible. In this post, we break down the steps you need to take as an employer if you want your employees to participate in digital health programs.

Integrate digital health products into organizational culture.

  • Integrate digital health products into organizational culture.

  • Make offerings relevant to employees’ needs.

  • Educate and incentivize employees.

  • Drive adoption through technology.

Make offerings relevant to employees’ needs.

  • Make offerings relevant to employees’ needs.

  • Offerings should be affordable, easy to use and accessible.

  • Offerings should also be secure and adhere to strict data security standards.

Educate and incentivize employees.

The first step in enrolling employees in digital health offerings is educating them. Educating your employees on the benefits of the offering, and how it will help them achieve their personal and professional goals, is key to getting employees engaged with digital health programs.

Educate Your Employees

  • Explain how the program will benefit participants. People are generally more willing to change their behavior if they understand what's in it for them—whether that means saving money on healthcare costs or gaining access to better care or other tangible benefits. People also tend to be more enthusiastic about participating in something if they have a clear idea of what steps need to be taken before becoming an active user of an app or system (e.g., registering for an account).

  • Address concerns about privacy issues head-on from the beginning; this will help create trust between you and your workforce members as well as between workers themselves.*

Drive adoption through technology.

To drive adoption, employers must make it as easy as possible for employees to enroll and get the health care they need. This includes offering incentives that make sense in their unique context, such as financial rewards or recognition programs (which can help improve employee engagement). In addition, employers should consider how they can use technology to deliver digital health benefits offerings in a way that empowers employees while also providing them with options they are comfortable with—for example, by offering multiple self-service channels such as a website or mobile app.

Employees may be worried about security of personal information when using these new digital tools. Employers should communicate clearly about how their IT systems are protected from unauthorized access and ensure that any employee data used in conjunction with these offerings remains private at all times.

Digital health products can be hard to enroll, but if you do it right, the payoffs are great for both employees and employers.

As a business owner, you know that your employees are the greatest asset your company has. They're also the most likely to be engaged and productive if their needs are being met in a way that makes sense for them. Digital health products can be hard to enroll, but if you do it right, the payoffs are great for both employees and employers.

Employees need access to high-quality care when they're not at work; what better way than through their employer?

Make it easy for employees to enroll

Make it Easy for Employees to Enroll

It’s important that employees can enroll themselves in digital health offerings and sign up for benefits, as well as easily access the products. If this isn’t the case, then they may be less likely to take advantage of your company’s digital health tools. To make enrollment easier:

  • Integrate digital health products with existing HR and benefits systems

  • Provide employee self-service features that allow employees to enroll on their own without having to go through a lengthy process involving multiple people or departments

Offer incentives for enrollment

  • Incentives can be monetary or non-monetary.

  • They can be offered to individual employees or groups of employees, depending on the goal of your incentive program.

  • You can offer incentives for enrollment in digital health offerings, but you may also want to incentivize continued participation with other wellness activities and goals.

Make it easy for employees to get the health care they need.

In order to enroll employees in digital health offerings, it’s important to make sure that the right people are enrolled. You can use a combination of incentives and technology to simplify the enrollment process and make sure you get only the most engaged employees into your health plan.

There are lots of ways you can do this:

  • Offer incentives for enrollment. By offering cash rewards or gift cards to employees who sign up for coverage, you can encourage them to participate. This kind of incentive is especially effective if you want to encourage younger workers who might otherwise not be interested in signing up because they see little financial benefit in doing so.

  • Provide multiple options for employees to enroll. Make sure there are multiple ways that workers can log on and complete their applications rather than just one web portal or app—this will make it easier for everyone involved!


We at Meridio Health hope this article has given you a better understanding of how to get employees enrolled in digital health offerings. We know that finding the right solution for your organization is not easy, but we are confident that by following our advice and by leveraging technology, you can make it happen!


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